Registration for the 2024-2025 academic year is open now!
Returning Parents and Student-Athletes
Parents: please complete the following sections each year for each of your student-athletes:
+Add Sports: For all students for all seasons the upcoming school year
Update Forms
Click each red or yellow area, reading and adding information and signature until it turns green
Please be sure to update medical history including any new information within the past year
Upload your student-athlete’s Pre-participation Physical Exam (PPE)
Please upload ONLY the page with the Physician signature
$ Pay Fee
The fee must be paid by the first scrimmage or event
Students: need to login to FinalForms and sign all forms
Username is school email address. Please set password to be the same as their school email PW.
There are several sections that must be read and signed so that they turn green
If you are NEW to FinalForms
**Your student must be enrolled with the district before you may register them on FinalForms.**
NEW parents should complete the following steps:
- Create a new account at FinalForms
- This will take about 20 minutes and is best done on a computer or Chromebook. Please have the following information when completing registration:
Your student’s school ID/email address, this can be found in Infinite Campus
If you are new to Zeeland and do not yet have a school email, please format your email like this: (use your child’s first and last name)
Email address and contact info for all parents/guardians of the student-athlete
Health history for your student-athlete
Insurance card
Physician, dentist and preferred hospital with numbers
Emergency contacts, for when parents are not reachable, with correct phone numbers
- This will take about 20 minutes and is best done on a computer or Chromebook. Please have the following information when completing registration:
+Register Student
Fill out basic information about your student.
You will need your student's ZPS e-mail address, ending in, in order to register them on FinalForms.
+Add Sports - your student-athlete is interested in.
This ensures that you will receive communication about the sport and will be eligible to try-out.
Carefully read through all forms and complete all required fields.
Some forms may contain links to important documents.
Please read through all linked materials before signing each form.
A parent signature is required on all forms, they will turn green once complete
Pre-participation Physical Exam (PPE) - Sports Physical
All student-athletes are required to obtain a pre-participation physical exam performed by a medical provider (i.e., MD, DO, NP, PA) on or after April 15, 2024 for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Click here for info on how to print the PPE form to take to your student-athlete’s sports physical exam
Once the form is complete, upload ONLY the physician signed page to FinalForms, directions HERE
$ Pay Fee
This fee is required only once per year when parents register their student on FinalForms.
If this fee is not paid before the student-athlete's first contest, including scrimmages, the athlete will not be eligible to participate until the fee has been paid.
The FinalForms fee can be paid under your FinalForms Parent Account or in your school's respective Athletic Office. The fee is not cheaper if paid in the athletic office.
New Students:
Once parents/guardians have completed their registration process, students will receive an email directing them to sign-in and complete their forms in FinalForms.
Click on each red or yellow section and sign at the designated area until it turns green
**Students new to the district with a “fake” email will be allowed to participate until their email is active so that forms can be signed**