Zeeland East Athletics

Home of the CHIX!

Boys Varsity Golf

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Jamboree # 2 at Zeeland West

11.0 months ago @ 7:12AM
Game Date
Apr 11, 2024

The Chix played in their second Conference event at Crestview Golf Course hosted by the Dux.  The three hour round in the wind and rain was a challenge but the team put forth their best effort.  The team score was 194 for 6th place.  Leading the Chix was Kolton Gentry with a 47, Caden Arendsen 48, Tate Salas 49 and Tanner Treacy and Caleb Claerbaut with 50 each.

Highlight for the day - unfortunately there were no birdies but a there was a club launch due to the conditions!!

Next week the Chix will host the Jamboree on the 17th at Winding Creek Golf Course with a start time of 3:45pm. 
