Zeeland East Athletics

Home of the CHIX!

Boys Junior Varsity Baseball

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Junior Varsity Baseball vs. Holland HS School

5.0 years ago @ 4:24PM
Game Date
Apr 16, 2019

The chix swept the holland Dutch in a double header 3-2 and 7-0.  In the first game game, Sam Cochran led the offense with two hits and Isaiah Buitenhuis came up with a big two RBI single late in the game for the Chix.  Cochran, Brooks Huizenga and Caleb Schrotenboer pitches well in the win.  Giving up eight hits, striking out ten and walking just two.


In game two, Keenan Faber was dominant on the mound.  Keenan pitched a complete game giving up just three hits and striking out ten.  The offensive attack was led by Brandon Claerbaut with three hits.  The chix record is currently 5-1.
