Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Junior Varsity Baseball vs. Coopersville HS School
5.0 years ago @ 11:22PM
- Game Date
- May 18, 2019
- Score
- Zeeland East High School: 11
The chix won both games of a doubleheader against coopersville. Winning game one 11-5 and game two 11-1. In game one, Drew Wyckoff, Brooks Huizenga and caleb Schrotenboer combined to keep the bronco offense in check. In game two, Isaiah buitenhuis threw a no hitter for the chix. On the day, the offense was led by Riley Wilson with six hits. Caleb Schrotenboer with four hits. Brooks Huizenga and Drew Wyckoff with three hits. The chix collected twenty four hits on the day. The jv team is now 22-4 on the season.