Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Junior Varsity Golf vs. West Ottawa HS School
6.0 years ago @ 10:12AM
- Game Date
- Apr 20, 2018
- Score
- Zeeland East High School: 220.00
The Chix struggled in their second duel of the season. They faced an impressive West Ottawa team that was lead by Zach Goodwin with a great score of 43. The Panthers posted three scores in the 40s on the difficult white nine at Winding Creek Golf Course. The Chix were lead by another score in the 40s by Quinn Custer with a 47. Freshman Sam Mulder had the second best score of 57, while his two other teammates were not far behind. Mitch Sanders and Collin Mulder rounded out the counting scores with a pair of 58s. The next event is Monday April 23rd at home for a jamboree.