Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Freshman Baseball vs. Unity Christian HS School
5.0 years ago @ 10:58AM
- Game Date
- Apr 26, 2019
- Score
- Zeeland East High School: 5
Last Friday the Freshman Chix baseball team traveled to Unity Christian for a single game. The Saders defeated the Chix 10-5.
Gavin Brouwer started on the mound for the Chix and battled for 2+ innings before handing the ball over to LevI Boersma. Levi pitched the remainder of the game giving up only a 2 hits and allowing 0 runs.
Offensively Jake Meyering, Max Cochran, Dayton Immink, and Gavin Brouwer each had hits. Aidan Fredricks drove in 2 runs and Max Cochran drove in 1. Noah Ledford led the way on the bases for the Chix racking up 3 stolen bases.