Zeeland East Athletics

Home of the CHIX!

Boys Freshman Basketball

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Freshman Basketball vs. Grand Rapids Christian HS School

5.0 years ago @ 10:50AM
Game Date
Dec 10, 2019
Zeeland East High School: 40

The Freshmen Boys Basketball Team dropped their season opener to Grand Rapids Christian on Tuesday by a score of 40-54. First game jitters caused the Chix to get off to a slow start and, despite some good ball movement on the offensive end, the Chix struggled to make open shots and missed some defensive rotations, resulting in a 14-35 deficit at the end of the first half. The boys would shake their nerves from the first half to win the second half by a score of 25-19, resulting in the 40-54 final. Nick Riemersma led the team in scoring with 18 points while Mason Villarreal followed with 11. The boys will be back in action on Tuesday Vs. Jenison. Go Chix!
