Game Summaries & Headlines.

Girls Varsity Volleyball vs. Multiple Opponents
6.0 months ago @ 10:58PM
- Game Date
- Aug 21, 2024
The Chix opened up their season with a tri at Grandville. They went 1-1 on the evening.
Scores on the night:
vs. Grandville: 25-19, 19-25, 15-10
vs. Northview: 25-23, 13-25, 10-15
Stats on the night:
Lizzie Risdon- 19
Caroline Baker- 11
Paityn Burke- 10
Savannah Byker- 8
Lizzie Risdon- 9
Elyse Smith- 3
Elyse Smith- 42
Jordan Inosencio- 17
Elyse Smith- 16
Gracyn Huizenga- 13
Lizzie Risdon- 12
Kiersten Kuiper- 7
Mirra Fenlon- 1
Paityn Burke -1
The Chix continue play on Tuesday with a quad at WMC.
Also congrats to the Freshman and JV teams for both going 3-0 last night at their quads!